Senin, 01 November 2010

Ghost cloak

item baru lagi yang memadukan dafiance dan ghost scepter
chek it out

Ghost Cloak

Ghost Cloak Price: 4125 gold
8Hp regeneration
20% spell resistance
+10 to all stats
When activated gives permanent Ghost form with 20% increased magical damage and 20% movement speed decrease.Drains 5% of maximum mana every second while active.While in Ghost form you cannot be targeted by physical damage nor attack.

Active mana cost 100 Cooldown 10 seconds
Ghost Scepter
Hood of Defiance
Ghost Cloak Recipe Scroll


This could be considered the caster equivilent of The armlet of mordiggian.It allows the user to remain in ghost form for a while to be protected from physical harm at the cost of movement speed slightly increased magical damage and not being able to attack.
 It would be useful on caster heros who dont really need to attack but still cast spells.It gives them an alternate route to survivability besides getting vanguard or stacking bracers.

      nah itu dia ghost cloak